31 research outputs found

    M6AMRFS: Robust Prediction of N6-Methyladenosine Sites With Sequence-Based Features in Multiple Species

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    As one of the well-studied RNA methylation modifications, N6-methyladenosine (m6A) plays important roles in various biological progresses, such as RNA splicing and degradation, etc. Identification of m6A sites is fundamentally important for better understanding of their functional mechanisms. Recently, machine learning based prediction methods have emerged as an effective approach for fast and accurate identification of m6A sites. In this paper, we proposed “M6AMRFS”, a new machine learning based predictor for the identification of m6A sites. In this predictor, we exploited a new feature representation algorithm to encode RNA sequences with two feature descriptors (dinucleotide binary encoding and Local position-specific dinucleotide frequency), and used the F-score algorithm combined with SFS (Sequential Forward Search) to enhance the feature representation ability. To predict m6A sites, we employed the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm to build a predictive model. Benchmarking results showed that the proposed predictor is competitive with the state-of-the art predictors. Importantly, robust predictions for multiple species by our predictor demonstrate that our predictive models have strong generalization ability. To the best of our knowledge, M6AMRFS is the first tool that can be used for the identification of m6A sites in multiple species. To facilitate the use of our predictor, we have established a user-friendly webserver with the implementation of M6AMRFS, which is currently available in http://server.malab.cn/M6AMRFS/. We anticipate that it will be a useful tool for the relevant research of m6A sites

    DiffSeqMol: A Non-Autoregressive Diffusion-Based Approach for Molecular Sequence Generation and Optimization

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    The application of deep generative models for molecular discovery has witnessed a significant surge in recent years. Currently, the field of molecular generation and molecular optimization is predominantly governed by autoregressive models regardless of how molecular data is represented. However, an emerging paradigm in the generation domain is diffusion models, which treat data non-autoregressively and has achieved significant breakthroughs in areas such as image generation. The potential and capability of diffusion models in molecular generation and optimization tasks remain largely unexplored. In order to investigate the potential applicability of diffusion models in the domain of molecular exploration, we proposed DiffSeqMol, a molecular sequence generation model, underpinned by diffusion process. DiffSeqMol distinguishes itself from traditional autoregressive methods by its capacity to draw samples from random noise and direct generating the entire molecule. Through experiment evaluations, we demonstrated that DiffSeqMol can achieve, even surpass, the performance of established state-of-the-art models on unconditional generation tasks and molecular optimization tasks

    Complex Moment-Based Supervised Eigenmap for Dimensionality Reduction

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    Dimensionality reduction methods that project highdimensional data to a low-dimensional space by matrix trace optimization are widely used for clustering and classification. The matrix trace optimization problem leads to an eigenvalue problem for a low-dimensional subspace construction, preserving certain properties of the original data. However, most of the existing methods use only a few eigenvectors to construct the low-dimensional space, which may lead to a loss of useful information for achieving successful classification. Herein, to overcome the deficiency of the information loss, we propose a novel complex moment-based supervised eigenmap including multiple eigenvectors for dimensionality reduction. Furthermore, the proposed method provides a general formulation for matrix trace optimization methods to incorporate with ridge regression, which models the linear dependency between covariate variables and univariate labels. To reduce the computational complexity, we also propose an efficient and parallel implementation of the proposed method. Numerical experiments indicate that the proposed method is competitive compared with the existing dimensionality reduction methods for the recognition performance. Additionally, the proposed method exhibits high parallel efficiency

    Successive Trajectory Privacy Protection with Semantics Prediction Differential Privacy

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    The publication of trajectory data provides critical information for various location-based services, and it is critical to publish trajectory data safely while ensuring its availability. Differential privacy is a promising privacy protection technology for publishing trajectory data securely. Most of the existing trajectory privacy protection schemes do not take into account the user’s preference for location and the influence of semantic location. Besides, differential privacy for trajectory protection still has the problem of balance between the privacy budget and service quality. In this paper, a semantics- and prediction-based differential privacy protection scheme for trajectory data is proposed. Firstly, trajectory data are transformed into a prefix tree structure to ensure that they satisfy differential privacy. Secondly, considering the influence of semantic location on trajectory, semantic sensitivity combined with location check-in frequency is used to calculate the sensitivity of each position in the trajectory. The privacy level of the position is classified by setting thresholds. Moreover, the corresponding privacy budget is allocated according to the location privacy level. Finally, a Markov chain is used to predict the attack probability of each position in the trajectory. On this basis, the allocation of the privacy budget is further adjusted and its utilization rate is improved. Thus, the problem of the balance between the privacy budget and service quality is solved. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is able to ensure data availability while protecting data privacy